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Solar Viewing

We have several telescopes for safe viewing of the sun. Each telescope shows a different view of the sun from the prominences, flares, to sunspots.


There are 7 established hiking trails. Each trail takes visitors to different parts of the campus. All the trails, except for Trail A connect to each other. Trails have little to moderate elevation gain. Each trail is a mix of rocky and grassy terrain. Trails are anywhere from 1/4 mile to less than 5 miles in distance.


Over 80 bird species have been sighted and photographed on our campus. Species are either year-round, migrate through seasonally or overwinter on campus.


Bring your cameras! We offer many different photo opportunities, including wildlife and astronomical photography. Cell phone cameras can be used with our telescopes.

Comanche Springs School Field Trips

3RF provides engaging and educational field trips for all age groups. Contact us for further information.

STAAR Bootcamps

This program is an interactive, hands-on review at Comanche Springs Astronomy Campus for 5th and 8th-grade students to prepare them for Science STAAR mastery.





Telescope Observing

We have the largest privately-owned collection of astronomical telescopes in the U.S. Southwest. They are free of charge for public education. Our largest scopes are 30 inches in aperture, and many are driven by state-of-the-art computerized mounting systems. Knowledgeable astronomers eager to introduce you to the wonders and mysteries of the night sky attend each one. We have free, public star parties one Saturday each month. The campus is open to schools and other groups throughout the week.

Light Pollution Measurements (Star Counts)

We participate in GLOBE Science’s Sky at Night project aimed at monitoring light pollution worldwide. Each season, the students in the project observe a different constellation, counting the stars they can see with a naked eye in the constellation outline, using charts downloaded for the activity. We submit these results to GLOBE and they are shared with scientists throughout the world. This is a great and fun way to contribute to science and public policy.

Meteor Shower Observing and Counting

During major meteor showers, you can participate in activities involving counting the bright meteors you see within an hour. Results also are shared with scientists, who use them to refine their forecasts of shower activity.

Observation Challenges

We have different observing challenges for each season spanning a variety of ages and interests. You can “design” your own constellations, find figures in the face of the moon, identify planets and even galaxies in the sky.


It is easy to take photos of the moon and bright planets through our larger telescopes by holding a camera to the eyepiece. If you want to try your hand at more advanced forms of astrophotography, we can provide instructions to help you with this. Many of our volunteers are world-class astrophotographers you’ll be learning from the best.



Call in advance to schedule group activities

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